
infrastructure hazards

Ground movements such as uplift, subsidence or landslides causes damage to infrastructure. Early detection of such deformations allow for timely actions in order to prevent hazards. In the framework of SAR4Infra, an automated remote sensing-based processing chain for detection and monitoring of transportation infrastructure hazards was developed.

The SAR4Infra project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, enables time detection of deformations in the cm-range that threaten streets, rails and bridges.
In collaboration with the Schleswig-Holstein State Office of Geoinformation, the Institute for Photogrammetry and Geoinformation Hannover and the State Office for Road Construction and Transport Lübeck existing interferometric assessment procedures will be further developed to enable a dynamic and real-time risk assessment map.

Through the use of open Sentinel-1 Copernicus data, SAR4Infra delivers an added value in comparison to conventional transportation infrastructure monitoring methods.

project partners

project funding

Funding period:

01.11.2022 - 31.10.2023